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We specialise in helping you identify and address the opportunities and challenges presented by an ageing population and workforce demographic shift.


In times marked by unprecedented demographic changes, private and public organisations are facing a unique set of challenges. As people get older and the workforce ages, strategic age planning and adaptation becomes more relevant than ever before.

Initiating this journey and taking the initial steps to address the complexities of this demographic change can be difficult. Our consulting services is a starting point for giving valuable guidance and expertise on age related matters.

We stand ready to partner with your organisation in preparing you for a bright future marked by greater age diversity and shifting demographics. Our consultancy guarantees that your organisation is well equipped to embrace and adapt to these evolving changes.

Discover our Consulting services.

We recognise the critical implications that an ageing population holds for both organisations and societies. Challenges and opportunities manifest in various aspects, ranging from subtle to substantial. Nevertheless, it is imperative that your organisation proactively addresses these issues before they materialise and significantly impact your daily operations.

Our strategic age management services are specialised consulting solutions tailored to help organisations effectively navigate the transition toward a more age-diverse and demographically sensitive future.

Our services encompass all age-related components crucial to your organisation’s success. We identify your specific needs, harness our expertise and leverage proprietary digital technology to address them while ensuring alignment with your organisational objectives.

We offer tailored services that allow your organisation to harness the benefits of an effective age management strategy.

In the ever-evolving landscape of an organisation’s employee demographics, two significant trends loom large: the increasing number of older employees leaving the workforce through retirement and the growing proportion of the workforce aged 55 and above.

These trends poses substantial risks, as well as opportunities, across various facets of an organisation. The departure of seasoned employees into retirement may result in the loss of invaluable skills, knowledge, and experience, potentially leading to skill gaps and a scarcity of human resources to fill critical roles, particularly as younger generations enter the workforce in smaller numbers. Moreover, retaining older workers for extended periods presents a unique challenge that demands a nuanced approach rooted in understanding and awareness of the older workforce.

We offer tailored services and digital solutions that allow your organisation to become a more age-friendly workplace.

Enabling age-friendly environments in cities worldwide is at the heart of the Junoverse mission and in full alignment with the principles of the WHO Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities and the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing. We aim to support government organisations in creating communities where senior citizens can lead healthier, more self-reliant, and socially connected lives, recognising that enhanced age-friendliness is critical to the future.

In recognition of our impactful work, our ecosystem of digital solutions has received awards from the WSIS UN forum for its profound significance in advancing the goals of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.

How we can help is our holistic approach to age-friendly cities. We understand that achieving genuine age-friendliness transcends traditional notions. Our consulting goes beyond providing expert advice on addressing the most pressing issues facing senior citizens. We also align our technology and digital infrastructure with the United Nations’ indicator framework. This empowers you to methodically monitor achievements and improvements, all in harmony with your objectives.

Our ultimate goal is to assist your organisation in achieving your objectives, not only paving the way for senior citizens to lead healthier, more self-reliant, and socially connected lives, but ensure all stakeholders like local businesses thrive in a transformative environment. Our efforts yield meaningful results, such as a reduced demand for nursing and care, the fostering of a more engaged circle of care, and heightened community engagement.

We offer tailored services and the market’s most comprehensive platform, Junoverse CONNECT™, carefully crafted to make age-friendly communities a central pillar of your vision, allowing your organisation to achieve meaningful impact.

In the current transformative landscape, organisations are increasingly realising the urgent necessity of aligning their operations with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and embracing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, all while maintaining efficient value creation.

By implementing well designed and proficiently executed workforce longevity strategies, organisations can simultaneously achieve these objectives. The comprehensive well-being of older individuals, whether they remain active in the workforce or have transitioned into retirement, plays an integral role in the very fabric of our societies. Therefore, organisations must effectively engage with and contribute to the health and well-being of individuals aged 55 and above, both within and beyond their corporate structures.

These measures not only enhance the productivity and engagement of your ageing workforce, but also actively contribute to the fullfillment of SDGs and ESG goals. Importantly, by focusing on the holistic health and well-being of older individuals, you can significantly alleviate the burden on healthcare and other public systems. By empowering this demographic with a digital solution such as Junoverse GO™ and actively contributing to the welfare of our society, your organisation can be a driving force in positively transforming the overall state of the welfare systems.

We provide tailored services that enable your organisation to position itself as a catalyst for societal well-being. The attainment of SDGs and ESG objectives, while concurrently supporting the health and well-being of your ageing workforce, is well within reach.

A staggering 95% of employees approaching retirement lack a comprehensive non-financial retirement plan. Non-financial retirement preparation carries immense significance for several reasons. The foremost rationale stems from the fact that retirement decisions are often not solely financial in nature. Instead, they hinge on how organisations perceive older workers, combined with the expectations placed upon them concerning retirement age and domestic circumstances. While financial planning and retirement benefits are undoubtedly pivotal, the non-financial facets of retirement preparation hold the key to unlocking numerous uncharted territories.

Being well prepared for retirement can benefit both employees and the organisation. Beyond being instrumental for individuals to navigate the most significant life transition, it yields invaluable benefits such as reduced uncertainty, anxiety, and stress as well as enhanced well-being and heightened job focus which may translate to increased engagement and productivity.

For organisations, this preparation is indispensable in securing a successful transition for their employees. It facilitates the preservation of institutional knowledge and the maintenance of a positive organisational culture. Additionally, it contributes to employee satisfaction, helps with seamless succession planning and supports legal and ethical obligations while enhancing the organisation’s reputation and employee engagement.

We provide the market’s most comprehensive non-financial retirement platform, Junoverse READY™, carefully crafted to make sophisticated retirement preparation a central pillar of your organisation.