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Age Friendly Communities

Age-friendly Cities and Communities
Age-friendly communities are places in which older people, communities, policies, services, settings and structures work together in partnership to support and enable everyone to age well (The World Health Organisation).

Everyone deserves to live in a community that is safe, accessible, and welcoming to people of all ages.

That is why our mission is to help communities create environments that foster healthy aging and support older adults in maintaining their independence and quality of life.

The 8 pillars of age-friendly cities and communities

Respect & Social Inclusion
An Age-friendly Community enables people of all backgrounds to actively participate and treats everyone with respect, regardless of age.

Social Participation

Social participation is strongly connected to good health and wellbeing throughout life.

Civic Participation & Employment

Age-friendly Communities provide options for people in later life to continue to work and actively contribute to their communities.

Communication & Information

Staying connected with events and people and getting timely, practical information to meet personal needs is vital for active ageing.

Community Support & Health Service

Community support is strongly connected to good health and wellbeing throughout life, alongside accessible and affordable health care services.


Transportation, including accessible and affordable public transport, is a key issue for people in later life.


Safe, good-quality homes can maintain or improve physical and mental health, wellbeing and social connections.

Outdoor Spaces & Buildings

The outside environment and public buildings have a major impact on the mobility, independence and quality of life for people in later life.
At Junoverse, we work with communities to identify areas where improvements can be made, and we provide them with the tools and resources they need to make these changes.

Key enablers to accelerate the implementation
of Age-Friendly Communities

The pace and size of the ageing population requires stakeholders to invest in sustainable technology, facilitating an accelerated implementation of digital solutions.
A collaborative multi stakeholder approach is essential to the achievement of age friendly communities. Investing in technology that enables not only internal, but also external stakeholder collaboration, is necessary,
In order to optimise the use of technology, ease of use and seamless interoperability needs to be at its core. Appropriate public decision making is facilitated by inclusive technology working seamlessly together.