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A smart way of getting ready for retirement

It’s no news that retirement is the most significant transition an employee will go through in their professional career.

Being Ready for Retirement: A Seamless and Supported Journey

Such a transition is expected to be as seamless, supported and efficient as possible – both from the employer’s and the employee’s point of view.

While most retirement programs focus on solving the economic shortcomings of a retirement plan, Juno specializes in preparing the holistic aspects that await the retiree with a clear focus on a successful retirement.

In terms of retirement security, the meaning of being secured is not ultimately defined by financial advisory and economic support. Security can be redefined as a guarantee of maintaining a healthy and qualitative lifestyle, even after retirement. There is no doubt that stable finance is a prerequisite for maintaining the same life quality after work-life. Despite this, other factors such as preserving a social network, participating in rewarding activities and strengthening cognitive abilities are even more crucial elements concerning a healthy and active life as a retiree.

Furthermore, a review of the past year results in one evidential insight. 2022 was a poor year – not least for people who retired. The background to this insight derives from world events that caused market trends to plummet and hit rock bottom. Inflation hasn’t been higher in 40 years than it is in 2022. Global market conditions took a beating, leading to skyrocketing prices and rising interest rates. All these factors affected the retiree’s wallet, which supposedly affected their psychological well-being and lifestyle.

In uncertain economic times, it’s more important than ever to focus on the well-being of the soon-to-be retiree.If we cannot control political world events that affect the individual’s wallet, governments, organisations and companies can still take action and establish conditions for a seamless and healthy transition between work-life and retirement from a holistic perspective.

Getting retirement security right and helping to ensure individuals can live with dignity after their working years is a core sustainability issue for society in the 21st century. Success will require a concerted effort from policymakers, employers, the financial services industry and individuals. It all starts with understanding the risks.

Global Retirement Index report 2022.

Junoverse’s Approach: Ready for Retirement Success

As stated in the Global Retirement Index report, a life with dignity after working years is a core sustainable issue for society in the 21st century. It doesn’t only require a savings buffer to maintain a decent and joyful lifestyle once retired. A life with dignity as a retiree also includes a sense of social inclusion, daily routines, motivation and purpose.

Consequently, it’s essential that employers offer their employees a tailor-sewn and individual plan to create a renewed sense of purpose during retirement. This leads us to the introduction of Junoverse Ready. 

As a leading stakeholder in the retirement industry, Juno has together with experts developed this solution for employers that genuinely care about their employees and soon-to-be retirees. Our retirement solution investigates how well-prepared the employee is for retirement. Accordingly, Juno has developed digital solutions adapted to a business need, consisting of a broad range of tools to determine the level of readiness of the soon-to-retire employee. Those tools consist of professional coaches, customized and actionable recommendations, licensed and established assessments and transition programs.

In addition to financial retirement programs, Juno serves one crucial aim. We are offering transformative and empowering pathways to healthy and active ageing.

Get in touch to learn more!